Ministers: All the Members of the Church
Pastor: Clay Olsen
Associate Pastor: Robert Kornegay
Church Office: 252-354-3210
December 13, 2019
Third Sunday of Advent
WELCOME IN THE NAME OF JESUS! As we arrive, let us prepare
to worship. Pray for those who lead in worship. Let the music be the beginning of your worship experience. Let each one prayerfully and openly participate throughout this service.
Lighting of the Advent Candle
Psalms, Hymns and Praise Songs
Invocation and Responsive Reading – The Magi’s Visit 636
Welcome to Visitors and Sharing of Fellowship
Praise, Prayer and Offerings
Children may either remain in the Sanctuary for All Ages Family Worship or go to the Children’s Church Bible Study-Ages 4 yrs to 4th grade.
Message “Before He Was Called ‘Jesus’”
Closing Hymn
Carrying Out the Great Commission
CBS Verse of the Week: “And there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking forward to the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him.” Luke 2:25 NASB
Elder Board Meeting: Today, following the service.
Christmas Outdoor Cookout & Sing Along: Today, 3, 5:30-7:30. Join us for a cookout and a Christmas Carol sing time. Also, we will decorate a tree for a special Christmas Eve service this year!
Called Congregational Meeting: Sunday, December 20 after the service, we will have a Called Congregational meeting on the 2021 Budget. Members are encouraged to attend.
Outdoor Christmas Eve Service: December 24, 7:00 p.m. Join us Christmas Eve to focus on the birth of our Savior and King.
Tuesday Night Men’s Life Group: 6:30 8 p.m. On Christmas break.
Tuesday Night Ladies Life Group: 6:30-8 p.m. On Christmas break.
Requests: We are in the process of updating and verifying our records. If you are a member, or frequently attend, or fellowship with us online, please send us your current address, phone number and email address to info@eichapel.org in order to ensure we have your correct info. Thank you for your help.
Monthly Family Cookout and Game Times: Keep posted on our Members Facebook page for information on these great church and community family gatherings!
Thank You! Thank you for your generous support in these troubled times. We now have a ‘donation’ option at our website www.eighapel.org May God richly reward you.
Bible Training Hour: Start-up date to be announced.
One Another Ministry: A donation box is in the foyer for assisting those with critical needs within our church family. Thank you.
Prayer Requests: You may email your prayer request to prayerministry@eichapel.org.
Study Guides of this week’s message are available in the foyer after the service and online at eichapel.org/category/sermon-notes/