Visit the Chapel

Sunday Worship Service at the Chapel

Adult Sunday School …  9 am

Sunday Worship Service … 10 am

*  We have a Nursery and Children’s Church during the worship service

Or click on this link  to watch Chapel videos —

The Sunday service lasts about an hour and includes singing praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, annoncements, a time of prayer and a Bible teaching message from our pastor.   We are glad to greet and meet “first time” visitors to the Chapel … Dress beach casual … Bring your burdens to Jesus and leave them at the cross.

Chapel by the Sea

6712 Emerald Dr.

Emerald Isle, NC  28594

phone:   (252) 354-3210      email:

After you cross over the Emerald Isle Bridge onto Emerald Isle continue on Hwy 58 for about 2 miles … the Chapel is on your LEFT …  just after you pass by the Public Boat Access which is also on your LEFT.