Bulletin – October 4, 2020


Ministers: All the Members of the Church

Pastor: Clay Olsen
Associate Pastor: Robert Kornegay
Church Office: 252-354-3210


October 4, 2020

Devotional Communion Service

WELCOME IN THE NAME OF JESUS! As we arrive, let us prepare

to worship. Pray for those who lead in worship. Let the music be the beginning of your worship experience. Let each one prayerfully and openly participate throughout this service.


Psalms, Hymns and Praise Songs

Invocation and Responsive Reading – The Lord’s Supper 647

Welcome to Visitors and Sharing of Fellowship




Praise and Offerings


Children may either remain in the Sanctuary for All Ages Family Worship or go to the Children’s Church Bible Study-Ages 4 yrs to 4th grade.

Devotional Communion Message

“Qualities of Genuine Happiness”

Partaking of The Bread

Drinking of The Cup

Last Song

Carrying Out the Great Commission

CBS Memory Verse of the Week: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” Jn. 12:24 NASB

Pastors’ Appreciation Luncheon: Today, we will celebrate our Pastors with a luncheon following the worship service.

Elder BoardMeeting: Next Sunday, following the worship service.

Prayer for the Persecuted Church: October 18th after the worship service.

Wedding Shower: There will be a shower for Eli and Gabby, October 18th after the worship service.

Special Event: Due to the health concerns of the usual food/candy exchanges at community Trunk or Treat gatherings, The Chapel will be hosting a special professional Laser Light Show and Fun Night, October 30th. More details to come, but start spreading the word now!

Operation Christmas Child: A collection container is in the foyer. See Mike Hyden or Beth Bernhardt for more details.

Tuesday Night Men’s Life Group: 6:30 8 p.m. walking through the study of “A Citizen’s Guide to the Constitution”.

Tuesday Night Ladies Life Group: 6:30-8 p.m. working through the study “It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way”.

Thank You! Thank you for your generous support in these troubled times. We now have a ‘donation’ option at our website www.eighapel.org May God richly reward you.

Bible Training Hour: Start-up date to be announced.

One Another Ministry: A donation box is in the foyer for assisting those with critical needs within our church family. Thank you.

Prayer Requests: You may email your prayer request to prayerministry@eichapel.org.

Study Guides of this week’s message are available in the foyer after the service and online at eichapel.org/category/sermon-notes/