Sermon List:
Mercy Index
Mercy Index Study Guide, July 15, 2018 Pastor Clay Olsen With all of the turmoil and strife, conflict and misery that we have to deal with in our world, we thought we would all benefit from a healthy dose of ‘mercy’ in our study today. How does that sound to you? But since we mentioned …
The Cleansing Blood
The Cleansing Blood A Devotional Communion Service Study Guide, July 8, 2018 Pastor Clay Olsen Choir: God So Loved the World Praise: Oh, Lord You’re Beautiful The Bread A five year old once asked: “What does my blood do all day?” Good question. Well, imagine a flexible plastic tube winding southward from Canada to the …
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
On Earth As It Is In Heaven Study Guide, July 1, 2018 Pastor Clay Olsen Also listen to the choir song “America Bless God” So what all do you think of when you think of the 4th of July? How about ‘Christmas’? That’s what our 6th President, John Quincy Adams, thought about in connection with …
Make the Rest of Your Life Be the Best of Your ‘Dad Life’
Dads: Make the Rest of Your Life Be the Best of Your ‘Dad Life’ Study Guide , June 17, 2018 Pastor Clay Olsen After his son got his new driver’s license, the son asked his Dad about getting a car. So that Dad said, “I‘ll make a deal with you, son. You bring your grades …
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Turning Confusing Problems into Clear Principles, Pt. 4
Turning Confusing Problems into Clear Principles, Pt. 4 Study Guide, June 10, 2018 Pastor Clay Olsen In recent church research concerning spiritual growth in 1,000 churches, the researcher came to this conclusion: “Nothing has a greater impact on spiritual growth than reflection on the Scriptures. If churches were to do only one thing to help …
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Turning Confusing Problems into Clear Principles, Pt. 3
Turning Confusing Problems into Clear Principles, Pt. 3 (Practicing ‘Shalom’ in a World of Strife) Study Guide June 3, 2018 Pastor Clay Olsen As we mentioned earlier, we are looking forward to our Wednesday night Summer series of exploring the Jewish Tabernacle. There are so many great concepts illustrated throughout the Tabernacle. And sometimes we …
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