Sermon List:
Pressing On Toward the Goal
Pressing On Toward the Goal Study Guide – December 31, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen So here we are on the cusp of a New Year. I’ve always liked that word ‘cusp’. I thought it just meant like ‘on the edge’. But it’s even more sophisticated than that. It means: ‘An event marking a unique or …
Our Gifts For Our King
Our Gifts For Our King Slide Guide, December 24, 2017 A Gift from the Little Drummer Boy “Then He smiled at me….me and my drum.” That’s really what God wants from us anyway…whatever we have in abilities and talents and gifts and such, whatever it is, do it all to the glory of God. Give …
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Do You Hear What I Hear? Study Guide December 10, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen Some time ago I used this title of a Christmas Song to do a study on listening for the deeper meanings of the Scriptures. But since we are now in the Christmas season let’s use the actual Christmas Carol itself as …
In The Beginning (of Christmas)
In The Beginning (of Christmas) Study Guide, December 3, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen In a little while we’re going to sing a great Christmas carol written by Emily Elliot. She came by her musical gifts through her musical family, as her Uncle is the author of that great hymn “Just As I Am”. This gifted …
I Think, Therefore I Thank
I Think, Therefore I Thank Study Guide, November 26, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen Since Thanksgiving tends to get slighted by our crazed consumer culture, rather than rushing right by it, how about we slow it down a bit and reflect a bit more about ‘thanksgiving’ and the central part that a thankful heart and mind …
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 6
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 6 Study Guide – November 12, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen Life is tough, right? I shared with the guys at our Life Group one person’s prayer for dealing with this tough life. You may have heard it. It goes like this: “Dear Lord, So far I’ve done all right. …