Sermon List:
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 5
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 5 Study Guide, October 29, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen At Sunday School they were learning how God created everything, including human beings. Johnny was especially intent when the teacher told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him …
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 4
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 4 Study Guide, October 22, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen On any visit to Israel one of the sites to see needs to be the Shrine of the Book. They made the building to look like the top of the pottery which contained the first scroll. This museum contains scrolls …
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 3
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 3 Study Guide, October 15, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen I’ll always remember my College Pastor saying that many Christians think of their life as like bringing a sheet with their plans for their life to God and asking God to sign His name at the bottom. But instead we …
A Devotional Communion Service
A Personal Look at Discipleship, Pt. 2 A Devotional Communion Service Study Guide – October 8, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen The Bread With our attention turned to the Lord’s Supper today, it seemed providential that we should focus on the centerpiece or the center-part of the five areas of our personal discipleship, and that is; …
Implications of the Word, Pt. 10
Implications of the Word, Pt. 10 A Personal Look at Discipleship Study Guide, September 24, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen According to the Jewish Calendar we are in the midst of the Days of Awe. These are actually ten days between Rosh-Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which began on Thursday and concludes on the 30th. Rosh-Hashana is …
Implications of the Word, Pt. 9
Implications of the Word, Pt. 9 We Set Our Tomorrows Into Motion Today By What We Think, Do, and Say Study Guide, September 17, 2017 Pastor Clay Olsen One of the most helpful Biblical habits that we can have is to look at life’s thoughts, words, and deeds as ‘Seeds’. And then to be keenly …