List Sermons

Sermon List:

  • Homeland

    Homeland Study Guide,  June 5, 2016 Pastor Clay Olsen Since both Brothers Sam and Jeff have gone home now it seemed like we ought to spend some time together thinking about and talking about our real Home, or our real Homeland. With all those we know and love that are now Home, it’s making Heaven …

  • What Does It Mean? Pt. 6

    What Does It Mean? Pt. 6 Study Guide, May 29, 2016 Listening In On a Very Personal Prayer Are you praisey? Not ‘crazy’, but ‘praisey’? Probably, more than we would think, many people really are a little bit crazy. But not many are really ‘praisey’? That’s a word Brother Roger likes to use a lot, …

  • What Does it Mean? – Pt 5

    What Does It Mean? Pt. 5 Study Guide May 22, 2016 Pastor Clay Olsen How many of you enjoy horseback riding? Years ago while working at a Christian Conference Center, one of my roles was working as a Wrangler with 25 head of quarter-horses. Horses are really amazing animals, and seemingly a favorite with God, …

  • What Does it Mean? – Pt 4

    What Does It Mean? Pt. 4 Study Guide – May 15, 2016 Pastor Clay Olsen Sometimes you hear little proverbial sayings by others and it makes you stop and say; What does that mean? On an NBA commercial one of the guys said: “Success is just failure that hasn’t happened yet.” What? So, as long …

  • The Special Senses of Mothers

    The Special Senses of Mothers Study Guide, May 8, 2016 Pastor Clay Olsen Did you ever notice how Mothers seem to have some special senses about certain things in life? And we’re not talking about it in an eerie sort of way or anything, but more of in an ‘edifying’ sort of way; like the …

  • What Does it Mean? – Pt 3

    What Does It Mean? Pt. 3 Study Guide, April 24, 2016 Pastor Clay Olsen We’ve begun an adventure in looking into some fascinating passages of Scripture with a view toward getting a better handle on what they mean.  And of course, as we talk about what they mean in their historical and grammatical and contextual …