Praise God! Emerald Isle Chapel By The Sea will worship IN THE SANCTUARY at 10:00 am, this Sunday, May 24th … in addition to this option you can watch the service online at home over Facebook “live” (click here) or you can listening on 87.9 FM on your car radio in the Chapel parking lot.
Therefore, you and your family are invited this Sunday to the Chapel sanctuary for an “Ecclesia” (gathering) service with singing led by Roger and Alice and a special message by Pastor Clay.
The Chapel is taking steps to comply with the federal and state HHS COVID-19 guidelines. To insure social distancing, every other row of seats will be blocked off and families may sit together while allowing 6 ft. (3 seats) separation from other worshipers.
With careful social distancing, masks and gloves are not required, however, if you prefer, please provide your own personal protection equipment (PPE) as Chapel supplies are limited. Overflow seating will be provided in the Fellowship Hall with live streaming. The Ushers will assist you in having a blessed and safe worship experience.
Naturally, our unwell or immune-compromised friends are encouraged to either view the Service online at home or listen from your car (or your social-distanced lawn chairs) in the church parking lot. Access information is available at the EICHAPEL.ORG website and on the Chapel By Sea public and private FaceBook pages.
The restart of Sunday school classes, nursery services, children’s church, and other group meetings will be announced at a later date. If you have specific needs, contact the Chapel by email at Please join us in praying for all our health and safety.
All for His glory,
Robert Kornegay