He is Risen!!! He is Risen Indeed!!!
Come to the Chapel at 6:30 am, April 21, 2019 and join us for a Sunrise service celebration of our “Victory in Jesus” … the resurrection over death that Jesus Christ won for us on the cross!
This is special time of worship held outside on the front lawn and parking area of the Chapel. We will be praising the risen Son while we watch the Sun rise! Pray for good weather and for the Son to rise in the heart of new believers this Resurrection morning. The service lasts about 45 minutes and most people stand during the service but some people bring their own chair, which is good too. Also the Chapel can provide you a chair if you request one.
Plan to stay following the Sunrise Service for breakfast in the Fellowship Hall.
There is also a 10 am Service. Christ is Risen!!! Is is Risen Indeed!!!
The following music was recorded from the 10 am service.
Resurrection Praise Music, “Alleluia, Alleluia”:
Resurrection Praise Music, “O Glorious Day”:
Piano Duet = Charlton and Laura
Choir anthem “Allelua, Jesus is Risen” with piano and violin accompaniment!
Final closing Hymn “He Lives” = listen to this version
What if the resurrection happened today?
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The Sunrise Service was moved inside today because of rain but this didn’t dampen the spirit of those attending. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! He is coming back! He is coming back indeed!
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